Goats brought in for second pass in some areas
The #westsacgoats made a second visit to West Sacramento during the week of May 23, 2022 to clear brush and weeds that had grown back after late April rains. They worked on both sides of Jefferson Blvd in the Barge Canal Access and along the Clarksburg Branch Line Trail. The goats are credited by the West Sacramento Fire department with preventing a wind whipped ten-acre brush fire from reaching the nearby Riva Condominium complex next to Village Parkway on Friday, May 20, 2022. The goats, leased from Blue Tent Farms in Red Bluff, had been there in March and created a fire break that kept the fire from spreading.
Please view a sampling of media coverage when the herd of 400 goats crossed Jefferson Blvd on Monday, 5-23-22:
Sac Bee overhead video
CBS-13 coverage
Washington Post
Goats in March - 2022
The #westsacgoats are baaaaaack! No "kidding" around...the herd is hard at work helping clear out long grass and weeds in hard to reach areas around the City.
The goat's annual visit to West Sacramento is coordinated by the West Sacramento Parks and Recreation Department and the West Sacramento Fire Department.
The 400 goats can clear about two acres of brush per day, in an environmentally friendly manner as part of the City's wildfire suppression program.

They'll be near the Water Treatment Plant and the levee on the north side of town, plus in the Honda Hills and along the levee near the West Sacramento Yacht Club through late April 2022.
Go check them out!
On 4/4/22 the #westsacgoats were featured on the Fox Weather channel in New York. Please watch to learn more. http://www.foxweather.com/watch/play-593d595280001a6